The Isuzu NPR rear loader ,also named as isuzu NPR garbage compactor truck, Isuzu NPR rear compactor truck, Isuzu rear loading compactor truck. it is a cargo vehicle specifically designed to collect and process garbage. Isuzu NPR rear loader adopts compressed waste technology, which can effectively compress waste into dense blocks to reduce space occupation and facilitate transportation and processing. The working process of Isuzu NPR garbage truck can be divided into several main steps. First, operators collect trash bags or containers from residents or institutions onto Isuzu NPR rear loader garbage trucks. Once the rear loader reaches a certain capacity, the operator starts the compressor. The garbage compactor is located at the rear of the garbage truck and moves the garbage from the storage area to the compression chamber. In the compression chamber, the waste is subjected to strong pressure and compressed into compact blocks. This compression process not only reduces the volume of garbage, but also greatly increases the loading capacity of garbage trucks.
Once the waste is compressed into chunks, operators load the chucks into the garbage truck's storage area. The blocks can be stacked on top of each other to hold more trash. Once the storage area is full, the garbage trucks head to the waste treatment plant for unloading and processing. At waste treatment plants, Isuzu NPR rear loader unload waste from storage areas. Rear loader garbage trucks are usually equipped with an unloading system that dumps lumps of garbage into designated locations at the treatment plant. The waste is then further processed, sorted, recycled or incinerated to minimize environmental impact.
● Isuzu NPR rear loader truck - Wheelbase 3815 mm
● Isuzu NPR rear compactor truck- 4x4 drive
The Isuzu NPR compression garbage truck is an efficient garbage disposal tool mainly used to sort and compress various types of garbage items. This type of garbage truck is widely used in urban and rural garbage disposal industries to help reduce the volume of garbage and improve the efficiency of garbage disposal. The Isuzu NPR compressed garbage truck has a unique sorting system that separates different types of garbage. It is usually divided into three categories: recyclables, hazardous materials and general garbage
1,Recyclable materials while ordinary garbage refers to general household waste. This classification system ensures that different types of waste are stored and processed separately, thereby protecting the environment and promoting a circular economy. The compression system of the Isuzu NPR compression garbage truck is also very advanced. It uses efficient compression technology to compress garbage items into smaller volumes, which can save transportation costs and space in garbage stations.
2, Automatic loading and unloading functions, making garbage collection and transfer more convenient and faster.
3 , Good operating performance and safety performance. It uses an advanced suspension system and driving seat to provide a comfortable driving experience. At the same time, it is also equipped with various safety equipment, such as anti-rollover system and intelligent braking system, to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers