What is the compression ratio for Isuzu trash compactor truck?
What is the compression ratio for Isuzu trash compactor truck?
December 29, 2023
The main working principle of the Isuzu trash compactor truck is to compress the volume of garbage into a smaller size. This process is implemented by the hydraulic equipment of the garbage compactor truck to perform the extrusion function. The compression ratio refers to the proportion by which the garbage is compressed by a certain mechanical force to reduce its volume when the garbage truck is transporting garbage. What we usually call 1:4 means that 4 parties of garbage can be compressed into 1 party of garbage through compression. The following is divided into 4 points to describe in detail the compression ratio of compressed garbage trucks.
1, Design structure of the garbage truck:
Isuzu trash compactor truck generally adopts a special design structure. For example, a garbage compression device is installed inside the vehicle body, usually a compression plate or compression net controlled by a hydraulic system. This design structure allows the garbage truck to effectively compress the garbage, thus improving the compression ratio.
2, The nature of garbage:
different types of garbage have different properties, such as domestic waste, construction waste, industrial waste, etc. The physical properties and composition of these wastes will also affect the compression ratio. Generally speaking, easily compressible garbage can achieve a higher compression ratio, while some non-easy to compress garbage will have a lower compression ratio.
3, Compression strength of the Isuzu trash compactor truck:
The garbage compactor truck uses the power provided by the hydraulic system to compress. Different models of hydraulic systems have different pressures, which will directly affect the compression ratio. Generally speaking, the greater the pressure provided by the hydraulic system, the higher the compression ratio of the garbage.
4, Volume of the Isuzu trash compactor truck:
the volume of the garbage compactor truck will also affect the compression ratio. Generally speaking, the larger the volume of a garbage compactor truck, the more garbage can be loaded, thereby increasing the compression ratio. Because under the same compression force, loading more garbage will reduce the overall volume by a greater proportion.