Now let me introduce to you the uses of Isuzu garbage trucks. Which choice is more practical? There are many types of garbage trucks on the market. First, we will introduce the classification of garbage trucks according to their uses. The types of sanitation garbage trucks are divided into: compression garbage trucks, swing-type garbage trucks. Boom-type garbage trucks, docking-type garbage trucks, sealed garbage trucks, and hook-type garbage trucks.
1. Purpose of compressed garbage truck: Compressed garbage truck, also known as compactor truck, uses a hydraulic mechanism to compress and compact the collected garbage or waste materials. The technology allows waste to be collected and transported more efficiently by reducing waste volume and maximizing the load capacity of trucks.
Mainly used for collection, loading and transportation of domestic waste. The compressed garbage truck is a sealed garbage bin that automatically compresses, dumps, and automatically discharges sewage into the sewage tank, completely solving the second pollution during garbage transportation and reducing the inconvenience of human operation. It has good sealing, easy operation, safety, strong practicability and high pressure. It reduces the area occupied by garbage and makes it smaller in size. It is safe and practical.
2. Swing-arm garbage truck usage: Swing-arm garbage trucks are designed for efficient garbage collection and transportation. Due to their various advantages and features, they are commonly used by waste management companies and municipalities.
It is widely used in urban streets, communities, schools and other garbage recycling points. It is a universal garbage bucket. Multiple buckets are equipped with one truck for operation. Multiple garbage buckets are placed at each garbage point for long and short distance transfer operations. It has a self-unloading function and hydraulic lift. wait. Safe and stable, reliable performance. According to function, it can be divided into: pit-type swing arm and ground-type swing arm.
3. Hook-arm garbage truck usage: Hook-arm garbage trucks use a hydraulic hook-arm mechanism to transport and collect large garbage containers. The hook-arm technology allows the truck to lift and empty containers without manual labor, providing significant efficiency and efficiency for garbage collection. convenient.
The hook arm mechanism consists of a metal arm that attaches to the rear end of the truck. The arm extends and retracts hydraulically and has a hook or claw-like attachment at the end. The hook is designed to be firmly fixed on the lifting bag of the container to provide a stable connection during the hoisting process. It is used in garbage recycling stations such as domestic garbage, hospitals, properties, streets, etc. The car can be placed at garbage collection points, and one car is equipped with multiple The bucket is used for transportation operation, which is safe, economical and practical. It can be modified according to user requirements and has strong stability.